Monday, January 16, 2012

New Year...New Name/Look/Website...

2012.  It's a new year.  A fresh start, both personally and professionally.  

While, "photographE studio" served me well the past few years, it was time for a business-friendly change.  Those of you who have been with from the start, know that Legacy made its first appearances in my husband's and my personal blog and cattle enterprise in 2010.  It's a tribute to the past and a promise to the future, and it seemed only fitting to carry the theme in to my artistic venture.

You may be wondering what the purple four-leaf clover represents.  I don't have an eloquent explanation for you, but it's a simple reminder to me of some of the wisest words my grandpa shared with me as a child.  He always found the lucky four-leaf clovers, and I wanted to know his secret for success.  He told me in life, sometimes you just have to keep your eyes on the ground or you miss the simple things.  Wisdom I've never forgotten.

Check out my new website, and update your bookmarks to keep up to speed on the new adventures of Legacy Photo + Design.  Here's to an incredible year!

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